Monday, May 18, 2009

We The Talkers

Thanks for all the responses and comments and the endless requests of keeping it coming, A BLOGGER IS BORN. First and foremost I will like to thank all for your responses, one liners, comments and also the words which never reached me. Thanks folks. No don’t mistake me for the humble kinds, just that have a perennial habit of saying Thanks. hehehe.. Come on have thanked people for sending Java code which was never tested, wasn’t written to the specification, didn’t even compile and yes above all many a times wasn’t written in Java in the first place. Then why thanks, come on they atleast tried to help the cause, gave some basic files to work on. If it hadn’t been to them we would have had to write the file names also ourselves. To all the folks who think they also suffer from the same problem, here are my 2 Cents “One should try appreciating the good things in life”. Thanks CODERS. So you get why I am so very overwhelmed with your response. You atleast tried reading the stuff. Appreciate it.

I hope many of you were helped by the previous blog and would have tried your hands at Chicken Curry. For the deprived ones, come on lazy misers start spending and working… do you expect the chicken to jump in the pan on its own... Economies across the world are counting on you. You are the consumers folks, least you can do is to consume. To all the vegetable killers out there, GOD BLESS YOU. Remember that life moves in cycle, what you do today comes back to you tomorrow. Slaughter the vegetables today, tomorrow you may expect…. Some things are better left unsaid, learnt it with experience me BIG MOUTH

Yesterday I was just going through an article which read India is a land of Talkers not Doers. Well I am still kind of coming to terms with that… Fact “India is a land of a 100 billion people”, come on it didn’t happen just by talking…people worked, slogged hard…. hehehe…

Jokes apart, that article set the thought process going. Are we just the talkers? Are we the kind who can just talk their way out of any situation? Are we the ones who can talk on almost everything.. are we the ones who have an opinion about almost everything… politics, neighbors, bosses, colleagues everything which breathes or doesn’t even breath under the sun... we seem to have an opinion about almost everything… It makes me kind of believe that the article was almost spot on, if not on bull’s eye. How many times it has happened with us that we have made opinions without giving it a rarest of rational thought. Alpha is not a nice bloke, why .. heard it somewhere… Beta was saying the same… How many a times we give a rational thought about the same before coming to the conclusions… Pervez came to India.. Pervez.. no not the Pervez Chicken shop owner, Pervez Musharraf… Spoke in the India Today Conclave… I met folks who didn’t like Indians giving him a standing ovation… why… they never heard him themselves… they don’t even know about the different references which he had given…but still didn’t like it… why .. coz Beta said so.. heard it over breakfast table… Beta was talking confidently… would have done the research… so conclude that it wasn’t right… so much for the rationality.. huh.. We the Talkers.. often meet folks who don’t like BJP… one should never vote for them…why… heard it over the news that they are communal… no idea about their manifesto, some don’t even understand what is a manifesto… but still one shouldn’t vote for them.. so many people say so… must be right… We the thinkers… Rational Thinkers I meant…

When we talk of talking, a few very catchy lines come to mind… “Have you replied to all the mails which you haven’t read…” Great Talkers… the issue which was under consideration went under the tide… Issue fixed…. We the talkers… How many times does it happen that we go to Alpha and say that there is a problem in the code, isn’t getting fixed…not sure how to approach… the response …”Good you identified the problem, we need to take a holistic approach to come to the root cause of the problem, so that no unexpected aspect of it remains untouched… No last minute surprises… We need to take it break the problem to pieces and look at the finer details of what makes it happen and what can be done to solve it… lets assume Gamma met theta, they went for a walk, on the beach.. no lets assume on the road.. for better understanding lets assume Karve Road.. still better Aundh road… they meet Delta on the way.. Beta Theta Delta Gamma…all meet .. On Road… Walking… Now there is water in the lake.. Lake Wyle.. Summers its full of people who go for fishing there... For better understanding lets talk of Moola Nadi… Lake Wyle would have caused a disconnect…. So water in the lake… water flows… if temperature falls below freezing point, it turns into ice… Beta Gamma Delta Theta…walking on road.. water in lake.. ice .. freezing cold… blah…. blah… ……So you get it this is how you can solve this problem….” Issue fixed, problem resolved…Alpha has done it again… talked the problem out…still wondering how the walking Betta Gamma Delta Theta water relate to your problem, how the sermon about water in the lake helps to do away the issue in the code.. still wondering… come on you hadn’t being paying attention… read the sermon again… read?... still doesn’t make sense.. one more time… still clueless .. I always knew your grasping is below par … try working harder on that… give it another shot… still cant relate… analytics and IQ less… man you have a problem.. cant you do 2+2, of course we know it is 4, lets review it using a scientific calc… see I told you it was 4… what you are still struggling with the same problem… you need to do some out of box thinking… …. Goes on and on… either someone fixes the problem, you give up on the problem or the problem dies down on its own…of course you took a different approach now… the talker always knew you could do it… didn’t his sermon on Beta Gamma Theta helped… of course it did finally you could make sense out of it… you the intelligent fella… hail the Talker.. he can fix anything… He is the One, He is the man… the life savior.. the problem solver.. A person with high analytics can solve any problem with a little help.. agreed totally… the talker helped…He always does…he has leadership qualities.. he is the one to be followed… he is the TALKER.. .. hehe .. wondering how many times you have come across this Talker.. what daily.. every other hour… now you can understand what he speaks.. you the intelligent one…makes the point of the article.. India is a land of Talkers…

Even I had been talking so much out here… :)… Me Indian…

The times have changed.. check your watch.. hehe it is ticking.. time has changed.. Talker knows it all.. Times have changed… 3 years back, when economies across globe were booming, back in the India shining days, things were different… A lot of water has passed under the bridge from then… things have changed people have changed…the lifestyles have changed… Will quote some of my experiences of the same…let me share it with you… let me listen to the talker… do an AS WAS – AS IS analysis of things…

AS WAS – Our Prayers used to be “Oh God.. give me that extra raise this time around… Get me that job which I had always wanted… Make me strong enough to buy the dream car I had always wanted…”
AS IS – Prayers have changed “Oh God… Pls. don’t let me get thrown out… Pls. make sure that my company is still afloat… Salary is all I want, even with a reduced payout…”

AS WAS – People’s attitude “SHH I am still stuck with the same moronic Job… I am sticking here just because I need one more year added to my resume before I take that next giant leap… My company is blessed to have me, it was just because of the good deeds that my managers had done before, that he has a resource like me…”
AS IS – People’s new attitude “Didn’t I always say I was brand loyalty personified…I can put a dog to shame when it comes to Loyalty…My current company is the one which I want to die working for…That’s why I never quit…Job hopper .. eh not me…”

AS WAS – People’s aspirations “I am not satisfied with the type of job which I am doing here.. I think I should be given either more responsibilities or may be better work… Show me the results quickly else will need to think about my long term plans…”
AS IS – People’s aspirations “I am more than satisfied with whatever I am doing right now… Sometimes I believe that I was born to do this… It gives me a strange sense of salvation doing this…Sense of achievement”

AS WAS – On Job Heroics “Well I don’t think I have the time or the inclination to do this… the fella sitting to my right may be the correct fit for the same…”
AS IS – On Job Heroics “Well I am delighted you chose or even thought of me while you thought of this task… It will be really my pleasure to be associated with this…” All we are talking of here is to fill up a God damned tracker to keep a track of how many people take how many coffee breaks… J

AS WAS – Motivators in life used to be big perks, raises, new cars, better houses.
AS IS – Paychecks are the only things which I need to keep going for the next 100 years…

AS WAS – Lets do it my way or you take the highway.
AS IS – Your WAY.

AS WAS – God is great… No one knows who God is…
AS IS – God is still great… But we found out who the God is… He just took the umpteenth reincarnation in the form of MY MANAGER….in nutshell MY MANAGER IS GREAT…

AS WAS – Never had the time to spend it with your gal…
AS IS – Cant afford a gal, so pass your time blogging…. lol…(To all the people who have their smiles going on this line…Losers atleast I am blogging, doing something constructive out of this free time… hehehe.. you see where I am coming from…)

This list can keep growing on and on… But like I always say … some things are better unsaid… Yes truly the times have changed… Some Great Talkers call it Evolving… Evolution is the only thing which is constant…Folks give the credit of Theory of Evolution to Charles Darwin, huh, wasn’t it our great talkers who saw it before Darwin… Another thing he gave it 2 3 centuries back, but our talkers saw it for this century… some buggers wasting their time making sites like, all they needed to do was to talk to the Great Talker… Doesn’t he knows it all… :D

I believe all we need to learn in life is to appreciate things… If we can appreciate things in life, such times, turbulent as it may be, will also pass away. Try seeing the funnier side of everything, instead of dwelling upon the thought of The Talker telling you another tell tale…Try appreciating it by looking at the funnier side of it… Atleast in such times you are having free entertainment going… Try making sense of the talkers sermons, trust me gonna be more fun than doing some riddles and puzzles…

Someone told me arguing with some folks is like rolling into mud with a Pig, as the argument grows, you start getting dirtier and the pig starts enjoying it… It’s a pig’s world… The dogs sold it to pigs.. turbulent recessionary times you see… :)

Signing off on this Visionary Note…

Another Talker…

P.S – If you don’t like this piece, just remember ”Every fool has a perfect right to his or her opinion…” Fool me??.. aahhhh go over the whole piece again, may be a revision might help…

P.P.S. – All the incidents and quotes in this blog are purely my brainchild, if you see or hear someone using them either it is purely coincidental or plagiarism.

P.P.P.S. – Start appreciating the good things in life, the follow blog button is on the left hand side upper corner… Show everyone that you are learning.. :)

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