Saturday, May 16, 2009

Chicken Curry...

Chicken or Egg.. man or Woman.. who came first.. who cares.. only thing which comes to mind thinking about chicken and egg is chicken curry, brown reddish, thick gravy, spicy, juicy chicken curry..

interesting topic to start for the first blog.. huh.. how many people would like to think about Chicken Curry in this great recession, the endless gloomy economy, the miserly spending client, sold out sun microsystems...... amongst all this who will think of chicken curry.. well i do.. :)... foodie by birth eater by choice.. n ya cook by me .... the chicken curry man..

so what is it which makes me think about chicken curry in such turbulent times... well trust me my thinking or worrying or loosing an ounce of weight is not going to help economy to come back to shape.. come on dont expect people to start spending since the poor guy is loosing weight.. it doesnt happen that ways in the city.. so what could the great soul do in such times to keep the economy afloat... make chicken curry ..

now let me explain this.. i come back from work, kill some time reading about how some new analyst goofed up in his study about the recession.. how he couldnt gauge the impact in the strict sense of the word... come on it wasnt gauged in any sense of the word.. much adieu about nothing... so i complete reading these articles.. world doesnt seem to be a good place to live in anymore according to these folks.. so what do we do now.. what should happen if x doesnt pick up by y timeframe.. the great plans of life will need to be revisited to mitigate this risk.. wow.. so much thought processing... man it consumes calories and here i am deprived of some kilo cals.. so i need to eat...

check the fridge .. some freaking vegetable looks out from there checking me out whether i take him to gallows today.. no dear.. am no vegetable killer.. am the happy go lucky animal killer.. vegetables are like girl friends.. looks exciting before you buy them, gives you a rethought while you bill them, makes you think about other options while you bring them home.. and wow now here you are, cant cook them at once ...cant be so very heartless to cut the heads of a poor cauli or unchivalric enough to cut a lady finger... now while you are stuck in this situation, you think of giving it some time.. now the situation worsens.. the vegetable slowly starts turning stale.. you dont feel like throwing it.. come on you bought it in the first place.. cant cook it as it will not turn out to be so good.. so while you are still stuck in this situation, it starts worsening... the vegetable starts growing staler.. makes life tougher with all the odor ....then you finally decide to do away with it.. one day you pack it dump it .. and with a heavy heart come back... n here you go next shopping trip you are again back to your vegetable buying ways.. some people never learn...

And there is the chicken.. dead some time back.. resting in piece in freezer, in a cold and dry place.. away from all the turbulances of the world.. no lehman brother crash bothers it, no depreceating rate of dollar hurts him... he had lived.. quite a life .. and even in its death there it lies to make my day.. so very straightforward.. so very selfless.. when lived.. gave eggs .. now dead and forms meal.. the religious part of me is also convinced that i am not going to kill a living being.. there would be no guilt feeling of cutting through a caulis gut or slicing through a lady's finger.. elated i am.. such a great soul.. i will be eating in his presence.. and some fellas made chickening out a derogatory phrase... if given the control of webster i will change the meaning to a great selfless sacrifice.. AND SHE CHICKENED OUT ... but ok that laters..

the cook inside me took over.. the chicken was out in the microwave.. defrosting.. interesting concept.. kill it in Asia.. freeze it, send it to Uncle Sam, and we achievers will defreeze it .. no sins on us.. we are just defrosting..Asians are the killers.. we are just trying to help them out.. so chicken is defrosted.. now the herculean thigh looks like a polio stricken shrunken leg.. aah so much for coming to Uncle Sam;s land.. no issues.. here is the marination time.. All indian spcies... mixed in light proportions.. ginger garlic paste.. this is eficiency and cost optimization at its best.. why buy two seperate packs of ginger and garlic when you can get them together... also look at the productivity improvement which you get by using one instance.. rather than multiple instances and their housekeeping.. now i know where does all this technology management jargons come from.. chicken curry is the base of everything.. some CMMer Dad while making chicken curry got enlightened and wow.. we have cmm5... 5 for the different spices used.. huh makes sense now.. now the crude part.. amean curd part.. dont know why they call it yougurt.. may be you +gurt ~you + got it..i will leave it to that.. so now curd mixed with all the ingredients.. marination done.. aah one item left.. sham chicken tandoor masala.. hate pakistan for everything.. but trust me the spices which they send to US are mind blowing.. nah not literally..

ok now the hot part.. i mean the heating part.. pan which can tolerate heat, and for lazy blokes.. i mean non complicated blokes like us.. non stick pans... come on the chicken cant get out on its own when it gets too hot for it to handle... now oil.. not from iraq blokes.. normal cooking oil.. if you are the thin types, butter is your substitute.. for foodies like us.. the secret of long innings is less oil.. so ghee it is... eat healthy live healthy.. so now is the time for the onion cutting festival.. call a few onions to the ceremony.. cut them into two.. undress them.. cut them into pieces.. the smaller the better.. man vegetables i tell you.. make you look like a psycho killer on a rampage.. now the important part of onion cutting ceremony.. crying.. yes cry.. you killed so many onions.. cut them to pieces.. slit them apart.. a few tears are ok to cover up all the atrocities.. some one said crying makes one heart relieved of all the burdens of sins.. lets not get into who and all.... someone said.. important someone.. :)

now the frying part... yes we are proper criminals on a rampage.. we dont even kill it, undress it cut it to pieces.. now we fry it hot oil.. man we are cold blooded animals.. still a job that needs to be done needs to be done.. fry fry fry.. till you can see the onion cry.. once she is golden brown... hold on a word of caution here.. there is a very thin line of difference between golden brown and burnt.. all i meant is brown.. golden.. no black is burnt.. you will need to redo the onion massacre again if it goes black.. assuming that color blindness is just in C grade hindi movies, onion would be goden brown now.. now again cost optimization and reuse.. put the find of the century, the true component, ginger garlic paste in now withered onion... alot of fizz will be on offer for the first part.. bear with it.. once done.. time for the indian spices.. vasco di gama and christy columbus were looking for india for spices... i wonder they were upto making chicken curry and wanted correct spices for that.. wow.. india and us were explored because of chicken curry.. amazing.. now the big 4 spices go into the pan.. followed by salt... salt it interesting charecter.. it is that nagging egoistic team member whom we cannot stand for long, but all of know we cant do without him.. hehe.. similey..

now the marinated chicken... goes to the pan... it is the reunion of sorts.. let them hug, cuddle poodle each other.. onion meets chicken.. oo.. for the spice fearing folks.. you will need to kill a few tomatoes.. another massacare.... they go into the pan.. now Garam Masala.. and let it simmer... simmer simmer.. pateince and time given to the whole establishment is the key here.. like any overworked underpaid s/w professional, now this chicken also needs some time for itself.. all on its own.. leave it alone.. be a parent to it.. let it be on its own, but just watch out and make sure it doesnt burn its hand.. ya son is the father of the son..

so with time chicken will season.. the longer you can wait the better it will blend.. now the interesting part... eating time.. hot chapatis or garlic naan go best with it, a bit of red wine for seasoning, and a lot of it for drinking will make this a proper and perfect meal....

chicken curry is ready..

now to answer the first question which i raised.. in such turbulant times chicken curry, how will it help.. now the deal is when one makes chicken curry, he buys chicken, cash outflow from Uncle Same to Asia Europe, onions tomatoes.. local market and mexican get some dollars.. spices... mother india and pakistan making some moolah.. with all this there will be some left overs like bones and stuff after the meal, garbage industry boom... the dumper. plastic bags.. the recycling firms.. there is whole supply demand chain there.. now the best part.. the chicken curry aroma goes out of the window.. neighbors place.. he gets worked up.. come on cant smell chicken and eat egg plant... so he also makes his own chicken curry.. the money flows.. the aroma flows.. there will be an exponential progression of money outflow and inflow.. there will be circulation in the market.. market confidence will build.. slowly n steadily market will turn bullish and economies across world will revive.. the export import relations between the countries will improve.. of course no one has all the chicken onions tomatoes and spcies.. there will be international trade.. +ve growth for economy.. according to studies.. if every household in world starts cooking chicken curry for all meals world economy will revive in a few fortnights.. wow.. chicken curry did what all economists are still struggling with... better greener times..

Vegetarians turn non vegetarian.. only chicken curry can take us out these times.. n folks say i dont think... :)

hail chicken curry!!!


  1. nice writeup....must be sent to uncle sam for his inlightment to raise H1B visas so that more indian come to US to cook chicken curry so that economy again shoots

  2. I think you can also post a pic of chicken curry prepared by you..ppl who are not in phoenix can look at the pic and get tempted to buy chicken, trash bags etc. etc. Indeed you are such a great soul to think and initiate the process of helping economy...hail gyan!!!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Great one sirjee... real wishful thinking. What the heck that analyst never thought about this simple a solution to the global recession...

  5. please don share your brilliance in a public forum..these ideas can make u a on them dude!!

  6. this chicken curry has all the right ingredients to make it spicy, saucy and mouth watering...the end is too gud...never knew you could play so well with words...
