Saturday, June 8, 2013

summer of 98

Almost an year since i typed on the pages of, partly can blame it on the 16 hr work day.. but who am i kidding.. didnt i always want it to be this way.. ya may be..who cares... so what brings me back here.. it was a life changing experience.. like Mr. Pie of Life of Pie, i had a life changing experience which made me start believing in god.. albeit i feel bad for mr richard parker.. how will u feel like if ur kept with food in a room for 6 months and not allowed to eat it.. ask a bong with a fish in the room.. and to be not allowed to eat it.. it is torture of the worst kind.. may be ang lee should explain.. but more on that later..

no it is not the recent spot fixing revelations in cricket.. although suddenly it seems that the countless no of hrs spent in childhood in front of tvs and radios was all fixed.. someone already knew whats going to happen and we always thought it to be the thrill of the game, keeping us hooked.. life changing event .. huh..  but ya will take that tangent some other day.. today is all abt a different life changing event .. the new social media's younger cousin app whatsapp..

to begin with .. this green colored goofy iconed application initially for almost more than an yr looked like just any inconsequential app which is just there on the phone.. saves me a few dimes by cutting down my txt usage.. but nothing which made me believe in the true worth of mobile computing being the new thing.. but then something happened.. something which changed things forever..

let me take a few steps back and enlighten u with the flow of events.. my friend godly god traced down my no, and asked me to join a chat group on this whatsapp.. i didnt know much abt the group.. but then one fine day got a txt from a cute looking chubby chick.. read.. hey abhinav .. pls. accept the request to join the group.. little did i know that these 10 ordinary words will change my life to this extent.. but lets not jump the gun.. n who says no to a cute chubby chick on a im..not me.. :P.. the groups name read Rose Bud, and had a pink colored tShirt with the words Rose Bud School Patna printed on it.. oh man.. this was the group which my school chum godly god was talking about.. i joined.. saw a lot of unknown phone nos.. and suddenly there was barrage of welcome messages.. sersly felt like these folks hav not eaten for days waiting for me to show by.. and then started the round of introductions.. and pleasantries n demographic exchanges.. who is where.. doing whom.. wrapping around whom.. .. and some more useful information.. which somehow i had written down in a piece of paper but somehow am not able to find it.. but believe me was really useful information.. so now ask me the next logical question so what if u joined a chat group.. but here is where it all gets interesting.. this group of friends whom i last met almost 15 yrs ago have evolved into full grown adults with different personas.. the best part was observing them again and comparing them with what i remember of them from school time.. n u ll ask me why do i do that... n here is my response.. my blog my way.. then u might ask why sud u read .. coz u read till here.. :) and then most importantly y did i write it.. i will write a separate one to explain that.. so lets start.. n no offense meant to anyone.. if u do get offended.. pls dont bother me with it as it was u who got offended..  not me .. :P .. now again as a policy no names..

1. Godly God.. 15 yrs bak godly god was a self fearing nice human being, who would treat teachers like his own kind.. wud listen endlessly to classes, take notes.. n was sincere. another thing never told the gal whom he liked that he had a crush on her.. .i had been in touch with god .. was there when he made it to gurukul.. was there when he called n said he is getting married.. was there when he drank an quarter of whisky in 1 gulp saying m done.. n now god is married settled down n talks more like a family man.. he introduced me to the grp chat and disappeared from that day.. i kept complaining n he didnt listen.. n thank god for that.. i mean both of u.. :)

2. Chubby Chick urf Bhookamp .. 15 yrs ago .. setup class.. girl in pink shirt n grey frock.. looks out of place.. has a hard time communicating.. perfect case of social disorder.. cant talk .. cant listen.. y in class dont know.. god knows what she is upto.. i didnt mean godly god.. but god..  15 yrs later.. she is falling over the table.. vodka n cranberry overdose.. cant utter 5 lines without mention sex n city .. or sex n town.. or sex n anything.. so u get it.. if u dont pls talk to her.. last heard she had some problems with the hilton establishment.. she can be identified by posting pictures of herself in which she expects everyone to say she looks thin.. pretty n always likes to let ppl know what she is doing.. it might be mashing onions in the kitchen.. but she likes to keep everyone on same page.. last heard she was a little taller than gary coleman..

3. Bauuaaa urf Naavik .. so navik was an angry young teen.. angry with god knows whom n god knows for what.. but somehow he had the rage.. was smart n somehow had a thing for younger gals.. naavik was a good friend.. very naughty.. but nice guy.. today naavik is a full grown man with amphibian traits.. he has somehow developed an affinity for the sea n keeps posting sea n ship pictures every now n then.. doctors have diagnosed him with land sickness.. he can be identified by publishing very bawdy jokes.. which bhookamp loves alot..

4. Mandbudhi urf Gidhi .. 15 yrs ago .. she was shorter than chubby chick.. somehow she coined this name for herself.. she would take her own sweet time to understand stuff.. sometimes light years.. she had a paranoia disorder of tieing rakhi to any guy around... almost half of the class apart from the gatekeeper had been attacked with rakhi by her.. 15 yrs later today she likes climbing trees.. and somehow she discovered the ale to grow taller and stands at 5 feet 3 inches. yaaay.. thats like Brooke Shields tall in bhookamps planet.. she seems to not understand anything under the sun.. she can be recognized in a conversation by asking too many what did it mean question.. and one more important trait is not showing up on set appointments..

5. Chacha Chaudhary urf Tharki .. 15 yrs back.. chacha was the alpha male in class.. gals drooling all over.. smart in studies.. used to be in the good books of the teachers.. (used to suck up).. till now no one knows how many gals did he date.. but he claimed that even the principal of the school was not left out.. was famous for shiny facial hair and a beauty mole..  present day chacha is full grown up man.. not sure how much vertically.. chacha still has the beauty mole.. his condition has worsened.. he has dropped to peeping attacks, paparazzi and tries hitting on anything which crawls..  the alpha male never dies and was last heard bragging abt shoe size.. he can be noticed by bullying mandu.. and always keeping track of everyones whereabouts.. once bhookamp asked him what time is her flight and he knew the time.. there were no questions asked.. one good thing abt chacha is no matter what he has tried maintaining relationship with everyone through thick and thin.. remarkable trait.. but preferably he wud drop stalking by nex version..

6. Madrasi Sardar .. 15 yrs ago this oriental looking guy suddenly changed his name .. new name was so big that they had to put 2 name tags.. used to get grade 1 noodles for everyone in class and that too 2 boxes so that he got something to eat.. today this indias diversity bran ambassador has settled down in smbhar and rasam land.. speaks fluent telugu.. is very literal.. took offence when someone spelt pneumonia incorrectly.. can be identified by cribbing about too much work and wants to spend his vacation in upper rayalseema..

7. Jhansi ki Raani urf M.. she was very much in ur face.. n kept coming back at u till the time u bend or fend.. nothing has changed much in 15 yrs.. bolder has gone boldest.. since m still scared of her will keep it till here.. seems to be in a secret admiration for chacha.. god .. not godly god .. knows y.. strange are the ways of man.. and stranger for woman

8. Haseena urf chacha ki bahu.. this right wing cute looking chick was always on the topper list of the class.. life was all about being right.. was in the good books for the right reasons.. and made it some books literally as well.. was distracted in boards due to making it in the scientists books.. cut today is still upright but has relaxed and chilled out.. took people by surprise by her ability to crack jokes and take one.. can be identified by periodic blushes on the mention of the scientist..

9. Charsi urf Butter boy .. this guy grew up late n when he grew up ppl wondered y he grew up.. 1st one to officially smoke 2 cigerattes at a time.. used to mouth wash with alcohol and was amazing with numbers.. ultra protected n most of the times PIA.. 2nd thoughts all the times.. today is a full grown man. somehow doesnt believe in the social traits of shaving n keeping tidy.. has amazing sense of humor.. n has good collection of bawdy jokes..

10. Lambu urf Dhakkan.. when he was kid.. no one realized he was a kid.. when he grew up people r still wondering when he will stop.. scientists r still researching which solar interaction resulted in his anatomical disorder.. meanwhile he keeps on posting his pugs pics.. has adapted to social media with both hands.. nice guy and has the coolest 1st names.. :P

11. Behenji.. when she was born she tried tieing rakhi to the doctor.. the same is still going on..

there are many others whom i see on the group but they hardly respond or have not given the master enough time to observe and infer their traits.. This analogy study might sound of place to ppl, but ppl who were there in that class of 97-98 will surely be able to connect to it.. if not they would seriously need help.. :P

Ok then.. will see u when i see u..