Sunday, February 26, 2012

ek haseena thi....

Long time huh.. ya had been busy.. crazy wild.. i didnt know when so many months passed in between.. so what changed in last so many months..note: ramdev baba and hazare saab have lost some weight, seems common sense prevailed.. about me i changed 2 jobs.. i graduated from 10 hrs a day to 14 hrs a day on work.. quite remarkable.. expecting it cant get worse.. but heck who cares abt work life balance.. figment of some lazy bums imagination..

so dear have been.. congrats to ones who went from single to double to triples in the meantime.. i hope life is as fun of a ride as u suckers imagined it to be.. i wish u all the well may god be with u..

so what makes me come back to writing.. well ya.. i met some thought provoking people again in life.. :) yet again.. man dont i love travelling.. and dont i love meeting these here is how it went:

7:00 p.m. I parked the car @ airport rental return and ran towards the elevators to terminals.. punctuality and me have been cater cousins .. more about that later.. so here i was @ the main terminal.. and it happened yet again.. the weather gods didnt want me to take an early flight.. by early evening flight was delayed by 4 hrs.. man so much for avoiding a red eye..

7:30 p.m. After playing angry birds for the umpteenth time i was feeling like the bird now, so i started looking around.. and there they were.. 2 indians.. a 55 something gentleman and wirh a 20 something daughter.. lets call him mr uncle.. and there was the 20 something daughter (haseena from my title).. lets call her miss ... ok haseena.. so mr uncle looked at me and smiled.. and so did haseena.. like father like daughter..

8:00 p.m. I never knew i was such an ardent listener.. mr uncle was interesting.. and he had opinions and he knew stuff.. ok he could see beyond the lets bring the money back home movement.. but quite frankly i liked him.. we were discussing indian politics, the regular ones where do i stay what do i do..

8:30 p.m. The conversations were @ a different level now.. mr uncle was really proud of miss haseena.. miss haseena was living and studying here.. and mr uncle was bringing every trouble miss haseena was going through..he really sounded concerned and with his every concern i was getting concerned..

9:00 p.m. by now i knew more abt miss haseena than her roomies.. she hated eating outside.. the cold here in us, the lecturers who can be mean sometimes.. her not partying not drinking qualities.. sticking to the great old indian culture.. (am not sure if it still exists in india)..her sacrifices..her proudly carrying herself in the salwaar suits..her i liked the movie mother india.. and i could see miss haseena instead of nargis in it trying to plough the field..

10:00 p.m. finally we were boarding the flight.. the doting father and daughter also boarded.. i passed him a smile back.. good to see folks proud of their offspring..

cut 2..few days later

11:00 p.m. so i was off work.. weekend began late and this friend in town whom i met @ one of the games called me for a party.. so here i was .. so i get to meet alot of 20 something folks still kinda stuck in their teens.. and then i met the ONE.. Miss Haseena.. and the glass in her hand had some golden colored liquid, i was wondering what it might have been..

3:00 a.m. Hanging around with the teenagers and listening to their perspective was a great refresher..esp miss the world is not how it is supposed to be..the hackers are coming.. i hate bossy people (i figured she meant sensible).. thank god i grew up.. it was pretty late for me as had a morning game and i have started sleeping @ nights offlate..

3:30 a.m. so i was all alone driving back those 30 miles.. the background of sajan re jhooth mat bolo made me think abt mr uncle.. the smile of the proud old man.. i guess some truths are better not told .. IGNORANCE IS BLISS.. god bless mr uncle.. miss haseena in her free time will bless god..

it was one of the most startling experiences of my life.. how people live 2 their folks take them for something which they are entirely not.. @ these times i wonder how lucky are those who can confide and communicate with their folks.. i mean .. u know what i mean..

Note: before you folks call me and tell me how biased i was, let me make this thing very very clear.. i have no problem with gals partying and living as they want to be.. but it makes the uncles look out of place when they paint a very different picture, and not cause they are changing the facts, but just because they are simply not aware and so very trusting.. now call me :P